Sunday, November 24, 2019

Teachings from Kathopanishad - Part II

Nachiketa asked Bhagwan YAMA, " Tell me that knowledge or karma by which we will be able to go to Heaven." He asked this for the sake of other people's welfare. By this question, we get the insight that :
  • Our life is not limited to me and my people but extend beyond our small limited cocoon.
  • Individuality does not have an independent existence. Individuality becomes meaningful only if associated with the totality. In addition to leading life properly, we also have responsibility for the society where we are living. So, our life should be lived in such a manner that others are also benefited.
  • Unless we accepted the principle that we existed before this body was born, we existed in this body and when the body is dropped, we continue to exist, further study is meaningless. Can we say that we began from non-existence or nothingness? From nothing, nothing is created. Therefore, we have to accept that we do not begin from non-existence. 
  • There is an EMBODIED, our scriptures call it as JEEVA, that is living in the body, once you accept this, the second step starts. 
  • The Body is born, the body grows, the body decays, the body dies; the JEEVA is not born, the JEEVA doesn't grow, the JEEVA doesn't decay, the JEEVA doesn't die. 
  • We are all miserable because we always identify as somebody and this somebody has no existence.  
  • There is no DEATH in the HEAVEN (Heaven is not a place but a condition of mind where there is no fear). How we take our life determines whether we're in heaven or we're in hell. Happiness comes from within, we don't require anything outside. If we're able to discover this happiness over silly things, like the children as they don't need great things to be happy. If we're at peace with ourselves without going to sleep, we're the source of happiness. 
  • To remain in peace is to remain in the utter present.
  • The moment we go away from us in TIME, SPACE & OBJECT, Miseries begin. Go away in Time, in old days or in future, we'll be miserable; where ever we're, whatever we're, whenever we're, BE 100%. Living in this wisdom dynamically is meditation. Whatever we do, we should do it cheerfully or we shouldn't do it. 
  • When we come to know that we have no choice, we learn, lesser the choice we exercise, more happy we're. When there is 0 choice, we're the happiest. That experience is called as reaching Heaven. The net result will be our mind will stop reacting in life. If we observe, we constantly reacting. And these reactions create Hell in our life. When we're living in the Heaven, we lead a life of zero choice, therefore, no reactions. 
  • When we live in utter presence, the mind is calm & quiet, alert and vigilant. With such a mind, when you come in contact with the world, in one go, the TRUTH is grasped. Nachiketa's mind was having these three qualities, so he was the best student and grasped the TRUTH in one go told by his teacher. 
In the absolute, there are no fractions. In the absolute, nothing can be added, nothing can be taken out. The time, space and object disappear the moment we detach ourself from the body identification.  Here is the second Boon ended and the stage has been set for the third and the most important Boon in the form of question that is about the "SELF" by Nachiketa to Lord YAMA.
(From the Spiritual Discourse of Respected Swami Anubhavanand Saraswati)

Friday, September 20, 2019

Teachings From Kathopanishad - Part I

Kathopanishad is one of the primary and the most beautiful Upanishad. This Upanishad indicates what is required for the evolution of a seeker. It is based on the conversation between a little boy Nachiketa and the lord of Death Yama about Human nature, Atman (the real self) and Moksha. Nachiketa was a determined and spiritually conscious son of Vājashravas. He was gifted to the lord Yama by his father in the fit of rage. Nachiketa is considered to be the perfect example of a seeker who denied all the worldly gains offered by the lord Yama in his third boon and sticks to his query, "what happens after death and what is the true nature of Atman".

Kathopanishad showers us with the unattainable heights of wisdom and insight. It is consisted of two chapters, each divided into three sections. The important points extracted from the first chapter are :
  • The ABSOLUTE TRUTH is beyond time and has no simile to compare. It can only be indicated by parables or stories. So, the ABSOLUTE REALITY/TRUTH is indicated by the most popular story of Kathopanishad.
  • Negative thinking is the biggest obstacle in the spiritual path. When we see something wrong around us, we generally respond in a negative manner. But when we respond in a negative manner, we're not constructive but become destructive in our life. We start developing a negative vision and start condemning and fault finding in everybody even in GOD. So, we must have unshakable faith that is 'shradha' in us to see something good in everything in life. Therefore, when we develop a positive attitude, then only we are walking in the spiritual path. 
  • We should never advise elders. We have to have one place of absolute reverence wherein we can drop our intellect and stop arguments. Because it is the intellect that keeps us away from everybody. 
  • There are three stages of mind under which work should not be done. When we're happy, never promise anything to anybody. When we're angry, never discuss anything with anybody. When we're confused never take any decisions. Anger destroys our peace, we should never function under anger. In the same way, Nachiketa's father did foolish act in his anger instead of understanding his son's advice for his own goodness.
  • This human world is impermanent. We're not here for eternity. Man decays and dies like corn, and emerges again like corn. It is wise to keep one's own word and uphold one's truth. This was said by Nachiketa to his father when his father realized his mistake of giving his own son to the lord YAMA out of anger.
  • We have to treat the father as God, we have to treat the Guru as God and we have to treat the guests as God. If this is not done, then whatever we expect to happen in our life will not happen, good activities will also go in vain and all our wealth will be destroyed.
  • Address everybody respectfully. When we respect somebody, we are benefited, not the other person. Because it is our need.
  • Nachiketa waited for three 'nights'. Night signifies ignorance and Day signifies wisdom. In night only, in ignorance only, the things go wrong. 
  • We as children have our first duties towards our parents. A home is a home only when parents take care of children and children take care of Parents. There should be mutual understanding, mutual care and mutual love. Therefore, Nachiketa has fulfilled his first duty towards his father in his first boon.
  • Anger does not come slowly but as an attack. In the fit of rage, Nachiketa's father had lost his son to Death. So, Nachiketa asked to YAMA for relieving his father's emotional pain in his first boon.
  • Life must be duty-oriented, not right-oriented.
  • Heaven is not a place but an experience of mind where six types of fear is totally absent.
  • A real spiritual life is we have to lead a fearless life. And the spiritual practice for the fearless life is to rise above the body identification. We have to rise above the prana, we have to rise above the mind. Then we can start proper thinking and understanding. CONTD...
(From the Spiritual Discourse of Respected Swami Anubhavanand Saraswati)

Teachings from Kathopanishad - Part II

Nachiketa asked Bhagwan YAMA, " Tell me that knowledge or karma by which we will be able to go to Heaven." He asked this for the ...